Autonomous College Status by the UGC
Permanently Affiliated to the University of Jammu
Recognized by the Government of J&K

Bachelor of English (Honours/Research)


The B.A. (Hons.) English is a four-year (8 Semester) full-time programme. This programme aims at developing an understanding of the growing discipline of Sociology and promoting skill-based education. An important goal is to facilitate self-discovery in the students and ensure their enthusiastic and effective participation in responding to the needs and challenges of society. The course intends to enable students in developing skills and competencies needed for meeting the challenges and needs of the real world effectively. Hence the syllabus is created keeping in mind the changing nature of society, educational institutions, and the workplace and inculcate the required competencies in the students to understand and respond to the same efficiently and effectively. The total number of seats for admission to the B.A. (Hons.) The English programme shall be 100.

The structure and duration of the four years undergraduate programmes of study proposed by the NEP 2020 include: Undergraduate programmes of either 3 or 4-year duration, with multiple exit options within this period, with appropriate certifications:

-a certificate after completing 1 year (2 semesters) of study in the chosen discipline or field, including vocational and professional areas; -a diploma after 2 years (4 semesters) of study; -a Bachelor’s degree after a 3-year (6 semesters) programme of study; -a Bachelor’s degree with honours after a 4-year (eight semesters) programme of study; -a Bachelor’s degree ‘with research’ after a 4-year (eight semesters) programme of study if the student completes a rigorous research project in her/his the major area(s) of study as specified by the College.


The learning outcomes that a student should be able to demonstrate on completion of a degree level programme in English are given below:

1.      Ability to use skills in specific areas related to chosen specialization (e.g. cognitive, industrial-organizational, clinical, counselling, health, educational, social, community).

2.      Ability to relate and connect concepts with personal experiences and using critical thinking.

3.      Disciplinary knowledge and methods including data analysis and computer literacy.

4.      Basic professional skills pertaining to English.   

5.      Curiosity and ability to formulate English related problems and using appropriate concepts and methods to solve them.

6.      Ability to use various e-resources and social media and negotiating with technological challenges.

7.      Articulation of ideas, scientific writing and authentic reporting, effective presentation skills.

8.      Dealing with conflicting theories and approaches, learning to withstand ambiguities and understanding the limitations of the discipline.

9.      Developing cultural and historical sensibility particularly indigenous traditions, socio-cultural context and diversity.

10.   Analysing social problems and understanding social dynamics.

11.   Commitment to health and wellbeing at different levels (e.g. individual, organization, community, society).



Admission to the B.A. (Hons.) English programme shall be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying Examination from any recognised Board. The candidate seeking admission to the B.A. (Hons.) English must have obtained at least 50% marks in aggregate (45% for candidates belonging to reserved categories) in Higher Secondary Part-II Examination (under 10+2 pattern) of Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education, Central Board of Secondary Education or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto from any other recognised Board.


A student shall be eligible for End-Semester Examination if he/she has attended not less than 75% of the lectures delivered in theory including seminars, tutorials etc. in each course, and 90% of the practical work, etc.


The Programme Structure of the B.A. (Hons.) in English programme shall be as prescribed by the college and duly approved by the Academic Council on the recommendations of the Board of Studies of the MIER College of Education. The teaching-learning process of the course would be carried out through lectures, tutorials, practicals, projects, presentations, seminars, experiential exercises, and hands on training. Use of ICT and web based sources shall be encouraged to make the teaching-learning process interactive, interesting and fruitful. A candidate who completes the statutory requirements (minimum attendance, internal assessments, practicals) but does not appear in the examination in that semester or, having appeared, fails in a course or courses in a semester examination may appear in the examination in such course or courses when it is held subsequently by the College so as to complete the programme within the maximum period of 4 years counted from the date he/she was admitted in the course. In exceptional circumstances, a further extension of one more year over and above the maximum duration shall be granted.


The candidates admitted to the B.A. (Hons.) English programme are required to deposit fees and other charges as prescribed by the college, the details of which can be had from the admissions office. The fee for the B.A. (Hons.) English programme is Rs. 56,300/- per annum. Fee and other charges are subject to revision every year.

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